
Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Introduction to HTML

Hi guys I am here with you all again to share my views and my experiences with all of you regarding to the languages.

What is HTML?

HTML is a client side language that runs on the web browsers. Here HTML stands for
that gives on a whole as Hyper Text Markup Language.
This is the language that will be helpful if someone wants to create a website as all websites are made on HTML as all the web browsers reads the HTML files to give information as visual or as an audio.
You might be thinking that what does the Full form of HTML tells to us so let us understand this as the set of two letters together as HT then ML.


Let us first see what HT and ML tells to us :

HT (Hyper Text): It is text which contains links to other texts. As we all know that if we want to access any webpage we have to click on the link that refers to that webpage.
For e.g: If you want to visit google we type in the address bar of the web browser and then if we search any thing we get a number of results and when we click on any search result we are sent to a different webpage this linking of different webpages to one another by a simpel text is known as Hyper text.

ML (Markup Language): HTML is a Markup languages as it handles markup tags . You might be thinking that what markup tags are let me tell you that markup tags are those tags that are closed between the angle brackets "< >" .Every command written in between these angle brackets is known as markup tag.And HTML is fully based on these type of tags .

Why need HTML?

HTML is the easiest language in either sense as it is easy to understand to humans as well as the computers. And need of HTML in today's scenario is so much that our most of the work is based on it.As we all know that there are websites for all needs and of all things and if some one is having a business he/she will want to enhance it and showcase the services or the support provided to all of the world and this can be done only by internet as it's is the fastest growing area. So to be on the internet one needs to have social profile it can be build by a social platform like facebook or twitter but it is not enough if someone have a real business to do then he/she needs to have a website and all the websites either it be facebook or twitter or any personal website all these are made on HTML.

Now I think that you all are now aware of what is HTML and Why it is needed.

I will tell you more about HTML in my next posts till then stay connected and be Techie.
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Friday, 29 August 2014

Soon HTML,JAVA,CSS and many more for you.

I will be Back!!

Hey!! Friends it has been a long time since i have posted my post on blogging that is How to make a wordpress blog as being busy for some time i was not able to post on the topic but now I will be back soon with new things to learn along with blogging.

What will be new?

I will be going to tell you the basic HTML,CSS,JAVA script and many more thing that will be going to help you all being a blogger one must know some basic functionality of the languages as that helps the person to grow their blog in the right manner.

Why we need to now HTML,CSS,JAVA scripts? 

As these HTML,CSS,JAVA scripts can be very useful tools for those who are willing to add custom features to their blog. As sometimes it becomes difficult to work with the themes available on the web as they might not have that feature that i want in my blog and ifi want to customise the look of  my blog slightly instead of changing the whole theme if I now the above mentioned languages I can easily change the look of the blog slightly or fully. So these languages are powerful tools for those who want to add something different in their blog so if you are one of them who wanted to change their blog then keep following our blog that is Techie Updates.Soon I will be going to write on the basic HTML concepts so keep following.
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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

How to make a Blog using Wordpress in 9 Steps

Here is the full description of making a Wordpress blog in 7 steps. As in my previous post i have described how to make a blog using Blogger platform. Keep in mind that we have a basic need of making a blog to share our views and we must have an audience to listen to us. So why am i telling all this? This is because we need to understand the features if Wordpess that we consider over Blogger. The main difference between Wordpress and blogger platform is its plugins as these plugins help a blogger a lot as we have many SEO plugin's available for optimising our each and every blog post to perform well and reach it's required audience.

So here are the steps in which you can make a Wordpress free blog easily.

9 Steps to make a Free Wordpress Blog.

Step 1: Go to and click on Get Started button.

Step :1
Note :Click on the images to view in full size.

Step 2: Get started with Wordpress :-

Step 2: Form fill up

Step 2: Create blog

Enter your email address ,user name that you want and password for your blog account ,then enter the blog name or address of your blog i.e  that will be followed by eg.
Enter the web address you want in the field where I had written your blogname.
Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the button Create blog.

Step 3: Setup your Blog : –

Step 3 : Blog setup

Enter your blog name in the first field and in the another field enter description of your blog. Then click on next.

Step 4: Theme Selection :

Step 4 :Theme Setup
Select a best suited theme form the themes provided by wordpress then cick on next.

Step 5: Customize your theme or just click on next step.

Step 5: Customize Theme

Step 6: Share your blog on social networks i.e facebook and twitter.

Step 6 : Share On Social Network

Step 7: Write your first post

Step 7 : First Post
Give your post a title in the top most box and then write your post in the content box below it .You can insert images to your post by clicking on the insert photo button next to title box.
confirm email
Note :But before you get start posting you just have to verify your mail address by just signing in to your mail account and opening the mail from wordpress and clicking on the link given in it.

Step 8:  See Your Dashboard

Step 8 :Dashbord

After conformation of your account you can accsess the dashboard of wordpress in which you will find all the stuff that are needed, here you will see the posts tab in the side menu by clicking on it you can see all your posts those are either saved as draft or are published you can see all these here. Here you can publish your unpublished post that we had made in the 7'th step.
Publish post

Step 9: View your blog and your post after you are done with making the posts by entering your web address that you had opt for in the step 2. in a new tab .
Step 9: View Blog
So these were the 9 steps in which you can start a free wordpress blog. Hope you all are clear in making a wordpress blog for free.If you have any doubt regarding these steps feel free to ask any question in the comment box given below.

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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Make a Blogger blog in 7 easy steps

Making a blogger blog is very easy and it can be made in 7 easy steps.
I will describe it with the help of pictures for the ease of understanding so. Here are the following 7 steps that would make you understand that how to make a blog on Blogger platform and you can try making it yourself.


What is a Blogger platform?

Blogger platform is a platform for blog provided by Google so that making of blog becomes easy and more and more people can make a blog as it is available for free . It is a CMS content management software available online to manage a blog. You can have your desired blog name and can you can get your own blogs url or web address for free but it will be followed by the bloggers extinction that is For e.g. you are making a blog with xyz url then your url will be .


Creating a Blogger blog step by step in 7 easy steps.

Step 1: Sign in with one of your Google account on Blogger.

Step 1:Sign in

 Step 2: On signing up follow the instructions and finally when you reach the dashboard of your account you can see an option to create a new blog on the left hand side of your screen.

Click on Create new blog

Step 3: A form named ‘Create a new blog’ will open that you have to fill with the required information.
New blogs form.

Step 4: You have to insert a blogs name that you want to make and insert the url you want for your blog and then choose a template for your blog. Template is a look to your blog that how your blog will appear, you can say it as the theme of your blog. Then click on Create Blog.(You can change your blog name and url even after you have created it.)

Fill the information's.

Step 5: After that your has been created you will again be taken to the dashboard of your blogger account then see your blog name with the massage that your blog has been created and two options will be given to you that is Start posting and dismiss click on start posting for creating a new post.

Start posting.

Step 6: After you have clicked on start posting then a new post window will open where you can start posting with a title on the top where I had written ‘Test Post’ and the main content in the lower area that is empty area where I had written ‘This is the test post….’. Then click on preview button on the upper right of your screen to see how your post will look after publishing if you are satisfied with your post then you can click on publish post and here you go!!! Your post has been published.

Create new post

Step 7: After you had published a window will open where you can see the posts of your blog and on the top of the screen you will see a button ‘view blog’ click on it to see your blog with the post published.
See your blog.

And for posting more posts follow the 5 to 7 steps again and you can add new posts to your existing blog.

Note: In the 5’Th step I had mentioned about an option of start posting instead of that you will find an option of create a new post. The button of create a new post is just on the right side of your blog name it has a pen picture on it. Click on it and then you can follow the 6 and 7 step.

So this was all about creating a new blog on the Blogger platform. If you have any kinds of query feel free to ask me in the comment box below. And even comment to give your feedback on the post your comments are precious to me!
 This was all about who wants to make a blog using Blogger in my upcoming posts i will tell how to create a new blog using Wordpress and personally i would recommend that one must create a free blog with blogger but when it comes to paid ones blogger is not that much powerful then wordpress so in my upcoming posts i would tell you about how to create a free wordpress blog as it would help you in future when you want to shift to the paid blog using a Top level domain.

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Monday, 28 April 2014

What is a blog? And Who is a blogger?

Today we will know that what is a post and find some basic things needed to build a blog. In this post we will see different terms like Domain, hosting, servers, etc.. so I will tell you all about what is a domain ,hosting and servers that are some basic information’s needed to build a blog.


What is a Blog?

What is a Blog?
A Blog is an abbreviated word used for term “Weblog“, This is a word used to describe different type of Websites and Portals which share information on specific topics or wider categories. It usually includes Features like Blog Posts, Videos, Comments, Links to other websites, Widgets, etc.
A blog is also something that represents the personality of a writer as it directly reflects the thoughts of a person who has build it. So build a blog keeping it in mind that it will represent you on the web don’t make your blog too much decorative that it’s theme takes a lot of time to load and the reader find it disgusting to open the blog. So in my upcoming posts I will tell about that how your blog should look and what to keep in mind while making a blog.

Who is a blogger? & Requirements of an Blogger.

Who is a Blogger?

A person who makes and manages blog is known as a blogger and he must require some skills to make and manage a blog.
So what are the skills required to make a blog? Here is a list of 7 things that a person would require to have knowledge about to make a blog successful.

1.       Good knowledge about the subject  : a person must have knowledge about the topic or subject he/she has chosen as the basic theme or the topic of the blog on which he is going to run a blog he must have knowledge about what he is going to put in front of the people as he is only answerable to any query asked on his blog.

2.       Good writing skills : after knowledge the thing that comes is writing skills as what is someone has a deep knowledge about a topic and is not able to explain whatever he knows. So this is one of the most basic thing that is required to make a successful blog as if someone is writing something on a topic and he is not able to put his word in front of people then it is waste of time for him to make a blog.

3.       Editing and publishing posts : a person must be able to edit and find out errors or mistakes in his writing and mush be able to publish his work on time on his weblog i.e. Blog.

4.       Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : Search engine optimization is an important factor that makes the blog visible to the search engines like Google as it is very important that if you are doing good work and search engine is not able to find your blog then you will be missing the web traffic that you are disserving on your blog so this s also important.

5.       Media Marketing : Social marketing is a good example of media marketing as this is the easiest an shortest way to give your blog a social exposure or one mat have a different marketing strategy to market his blog in whatever way e can do to build his audience on the web.

6.       Designing : This is the only thing that a visitor will notice when he will open your blog for the first time as it will give an impact on the visitor or the reader to read or leave your page if the page is with too much designing and too many unnecessary things then you reader would lose interest in your blog so keep the blog design simple and according to the topic.

7.       Patience : Patience is required very much in blogging as ist is a continous process and one need to update his blog for defeat the competition in the market and make a position on the web and it requires hard work with patience as from day 1 one cannot have 1000’s of visitors daily it requires time to gain that position.

 If you are thinking that you can manage the first three or two points easily and rest of the things are like something alien to you then don’t worry this blog will teach you about rest of the topics and I am there for any kind of help you want. So feel free to ask any thing through comments.


Requirements of a Blog.

But first we have to find out some basic things behind the building of a blog.
The things required to make a blog are:

  •   Domain Name
  •    Web Hosting

So let us see that what is a domain name?


What is a Domain Name?

A Domain name is a web address that would refer to you on the web as it is very important because being on the web requires a unique ID for you to be referred as one have its home address unique just like that we have a unique address on the web so whenever he writes your web address that it is directly taken to you . For eg. is a example of domain and domain mane in the given url google is a domain name and is its domain.
There are two types of domains that are available one is paid one and another one is free one. These domain are referred as top level domain and low level domain.


Top level domains (Paid Ones):

.info etc.
These are the paid domain which are available if you buy them and for your domain name followed by the domain of your choice, For E.g. is a url in which google is the domain name followed by the top level domain .com.

Low level Domains (Free ones): etc..

These domains are available for free followed by the name you want for your blog for eg. is a free domain that is techieupdatesweb is a domain name followed by the free domain
If you want to built a website the thing that you will first need is an domain if you are doing just for fun then you can go with a free one that is low level domain and if you are really serious and want your own identity then you should opt for the top level domains (the paid ones).
I will tell you more in the upcoming posts about how to register for the paid and unpaid domains stay tuned.


What is Web Hosting?

Web Hosting server
Suppose you have bought a Domain name then your work is partially done as it is like an empty plot on which home is to be built as it is completely empty. So one have to put it on a web host as web host is a disk space that one acquires by buying it for his blog or website as all files he have to share with people should be available all the time on the web so web hosts are those spaces that doesn’t shuts down any time. That means you can do business while sleeping also as your website will do it for you.

Hosting can be said as virtual disk that one buys for his website or blog on which a content management software (CMS) is installed for ease of work . I will tell more about CMS in my upcoming posts.

Interesting fact is that for free domin you don’t even need to buy a host for it , is self hosted.  

This was all about what is a Blog and who is a blogger. I hope you have understood about the blog and blogger’s basic requirements in the upcoming postes I will tell How to buy a Domain and server and also tell about how to make a blog for free.

Till the keep visiting to check for latest Updates on TechieUpdates.

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Saturday, 12 April 2014

First Post-an introduction to Blogging

Hi friends this is the first post of my new blogging tutorial blog Techie Updates. In this blog we will try to serve you with all those information that you would need to build a blog. In this we will tell you about.
  •     What is a blog?
  •     Difference between a Blog and a Website.
  •     How it works?
  •     How one can create a blog?
  •     How you can earn through your blog?

These all queries will be solved in this blog. This is an introductory post of what you are going to find at this blog in the upcoming days. So are you all set to know about blogging?
So first of all let us learn that:

What is a blog?

Blog is an online book that can be read by the people and the problems of peoples are resolved through them. One can find blog on almost any topic present on this planet. Who writes these blogs? These blogs are written by the people like me and you who know something about some topic and want to share it with the world. The sharing of knowledge and information is the main purpose of any blog. After all ‘sharing is caring ‘. For example if someone cooks well the he/she can start a blog to make people know about his /her recipes or even he/she can tell the people about the secret behind them a or even he/she can sell these recipes to make a profit (other than advertising) through the blog . So it is a place where rules are followed by others as you can show whatever you want and you can say or discuss about whatever you like.

Difference between a Blog and a Website?

Some people have a doubt that what is difference between a blog and a website? Technically there is no difference between a website and a blog both of these are same form the working to building. So what is the difference? There is a minor difference between them that is a website represents a company or an organization or a business that deals with the exchange of service or a product. Where as in a blog you can share information freely about any topic or product and it is constantly updated where as the websites are not daily updated and most of the blogs are daily updated.

How to create a blog?

I think this is the most important thing that everyone likes to know and many people are afraid of this simple question because they might have many things to share but the have a very little knowledge of computers and internet and they think that it might require a deep knowledge of computers but it is totally wrong!! A blog can be created by any ne who have little knowledge of computers and internet but a good knowledge of the topic that they are going to tell to the readers. It does not require any coding as now a day’s many platforms like Wordpress and Bloggger are available that gives a user interface and have a set of prebuilt codes in it that it automatically creates as per the user requirement. In the upcoming posts I will tell about the platforms and best among them and how to work with that.

How to earn through Blog?

Most of the people are attracted toward blogging because it is the easiest way to earn a handsome amount of money to fulfill their needs as people take it as a side income source that supports them and give them extra money to facilitate their lives. So let us know that how money can be earned through blog.
The main income source for a new blog and a basic blog is advertising networks that places advertisements on the blog and pay the publisher according to their policies. These advertisers provide banners for the placement of ads on the blog according to the publisher as there are many options available in banner sizes that can be placed on the blog according to the space and positions on the blog. The main advertising companies are adsence, chittika, Infolinks ,etc…

Another source of income on a blog is placing links to external sites that are ready to pay them according to the web traffic on the blog. Affiliate marketing is also another way to earn through the blogs; direct advertisement’s is also another way to get paid through a blog direct advertisement is placing an ad of a company by direct contacting them and offering space on your blog for their advertisement. And many more ways are there that you would come to know after starting a blog. As opportunities comes to your home when you work hard for good thing.

You would love to know that one can make 40,000 INR and more per month by blogging!!! I would tell you about the people earning through their blog and living life king size in my upcoming posts.

So this was my first post in the path of my Techie Updates’s blogging tutorial career. Keep visiting for the next post In which I would describe in detail about what is a blog?

Please give feedback by dropping up comments in the comment box below and let me know that what you felt after reading the above content.
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Monday, 7 April 2014


interesting fact: 2 Pedabytes would store the entire contents of ALL US academic libraries.

  • Megabyte = 1/1152921504606846976 yottabyte
= 1/1125899906842624 zettabyte
= 1/1099511627776 exabyte
= 1/1073741824 petabyte
= 1/1048576 terabyte
= 1/1024 gigabyte
= 1 megabyte
= 8 Megabits
= 1024 kilobytes
= 8192 Kilobits
= 1048576 bytes
= 2097152 nibbles
= 8388608 bits

  • gigabyte = 1/1125899906842624 yottabyte
= 1/1099511627776 zettabyte
= 1/1073741824 exabyte
= 1/1048576 petabyte
= 1/1024 terabyte
= 1 gigabyte
= 1024 megabytes
= 8192 Megabits
= 1048576 kilobytes
= 8388608 Kilobits
= 1073741824 bytes
= 2147483648 nibbles
= 8589934592 bits

  • terabyte = 1/1099511627776 yottabyte
= 1/1073741824 zettabyte
= 1/1048576 exabyte
= 1/1024 petabyte
= 1 terabyte
= 1024 gigabytes
= 1048576 megabytes
= 8388608 Megabits
= 1073741824 kilobytes
= 8589934592 Kilobits
= 1099511627776 bytes
= 2199023255552 nibbles
= 8796093022208 bits

  • petabyte = 1/1073741824 yottabyte
= 1/1048576 zettabyte
= 1/1024 exabyte
= 1 petabyte
= 1024 terabytes
= 1048576 gigabytes
= 1073741824 megabytes
= 8589934592 Megabits
= 1099511627776 kilobytes
= 8796093022208 Kilobits
= 1125899906842624 bytes
= 2251799813685248 nibbles
= 9007199254740992 bits

  • Exabyte = 1/1048576 yottabyte
= 1/1024 zettabyte
= 1 exabyte
= 1024 petabytes
= 1048576 terabytes
= 1073741824 gigabytes
= 1099511627776 megabytes
= 8796093022208 Megabits
= 1125899906842624 kilobytes
= 9007199254740992 Kilobits
= 1152921504606846976 bytes
= 2305843009213693952 nibbles
= 9223372036854775808 bits

  • Zettabyte = 1/1024 yottabyte
= 1 zettabyte
= 1024 exabytes
= 1048576 petabytes
= 1073741824 terabytes
= 1099511627776 gigabytes
= 1125899906842624 megabytes
= 9007199254740992 Megabits
= 1152921504606846976 kilobytes
= 9223372036854775808 Kilobits
= 1180591620717411303424 bytes
= 2361183241434822606848 nibbles
= 9444732965739290427392 bits

  • yottabyte = 1 yottabyte
= 1024 zettabytes
= 1048576 exabytes
= 1073741824 petabytes
= 1099511627776 terabytes
= 1125899906842624 gigabytes
= 1152921504606846976 megabytes
= 9223372036854775808 Megabits
= 1180591620717411303424 kilobytes
= 9444732965739290427392 Kilobits
= 1208925819614629174706176 bytes
= 2417851639229258349412352 nibbles
= 9671406556917033397649408 bits
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