
Tuesday, 13 May 2014

How to make a Blog using Wordpress in 9 Steps

Here is the full description of making a Wordpress blog in 7 steps. As in my previous post i have described how to make a blog using Blogger platform. Keep in mind that we have a basic need of making a blog to share our views and we must have an audience to listen to us. So why am i telling all this? This is because we need to understand the features if Wordpess that we consider over Blogger. The main difference between Wordpress and blogger platform is its plugins as these plugins help a blogger a lot as we have many SEO plugin's available for optimising our each and every blog post to perform well and reach it's required audience.

So here are the steps in which you can make a Wordpress free blog easily.

9 Steps to make a Free Wordpress Blog.

Step 1: Go to and click on Get Started button.

Step :1
Note :Click on the images to view in full size.

Step 2: Get started with Wordpress :-

Step 2: Form fill up

Step 2: Create blog

Enter your email address ,user name that you want and password for your blog account ,then enter the blog name or address of your blog i.e  that will be followed by eg.
Enter the web address you want in the field where I had written your blogname.
Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the button Create blog.

Step 3: Setup your Blog : –

Step 3 : Blog setup

Enter your blog name in the first field and in the another field enter description of your blog. Then click on next.

Step 4: Theme Selection :

Step 4 :Theme Setup
Select a best suited theme form the themes provided by wordpress then cick on next.

Step 5: Customize your theme or just click on next step.

Step 5: Customize Theme

Step 6: Share your blog on social networks i.e facebook and twitter.

Step 6 : Share On Social Network

Step 7: Write your first post

Step 7 : First Post
Give your post a title in the top most box and then write your post in the content box below it .You can insert images to your post by clicking on the insert photo button next to title box.
confirm email
Note :But before you get start posting you just have to verify your mail address by just signing in to your mail account and opening the mail from wordpress and clicking on the link given in it.

Step 8:  See Your Dashboard

Step 8 :Dashbord

After conformation of your account you can accsess the dashboard of wordpress in which you will find all the stuff that are needed, here you will see the posts tab in the side menu by clicking on it you can see all your posts those are either saved as draft or are published you can see all these here. Here you can publish your unpublished post that we had made in the 7'th step.
Publish post

Step 9: View your blog and your post after you are done with making the posts by entering your web address that you had opt for in the step 2. in a new tab .
Step 9: View Blog
So these were the 9 steps in which you can start a free wordpress blog. Hope you all are clear in making a wordpress blog for free.If you have any doubt regarding these steps feel free to ask any question in the comment box given below.

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