
Saturday, 12 April 2014

First Post-an introduction to Blogging

Hi friends this is the first post of my new blogging tutorial blog Techie Updates. In this blog we will try to serve you with all those information that you would need to build a blog. In this we will tell you about.
  •     What is a blog?
  •     Difference between a Blog and a Website.
  •     How it works?
  •     How one can create a blog?
  •     How you can earn through your blog?

These all queries will be solved in this blog. This is an introductory post of what you are going to find at this blog in the upcoming days. So are you all set to know about blogging?
So first of all let us learn that:

What is a blog?

Blog is an online book that can be read by the people and the problems of peoples are resolved through them. One can find blog on almost any topic present on this planet. Who writes these blogs? These blogs are written by the people like me and you who know something about some topic and want to share it with the world. The sharing of knowledge and information is the main purpose of any blog. After all ‘sharing is caring ‘. For example if someone cooks well the he/she can start a blog to make people know about his /her recipes or even he/she can tell the people about the secret behind them a or even he/she can sell these recipes to make a profit (other than advertising) through the blog . So it is a place where rules are followed by others as you can show whatever you want and you can say or discuss about whatever you like.

Difference between a Blog and a Website?

Some people have a doubt that what is difference between a blog and a website? Technically there is no difference between a website and a blog both of these are same form the working to building. So what is the difference? There is a minor difference between them that is a website represents a company or an organization or a business that deals with the exchange of service or a product. Where as in a blog you can share information freely about any topic or product and it is constantly updated where as the websites are not daily updated and most of the blogs are daily updated.

How to create a blog?

I think this is the most important thing that everyone likes to know and many people are afraid of this simple question because they might have many things to share but the have a very little knowledge of computers and internet and they think that it might require a deep knowledge of computers but it is totally wrong!! A blog can be created by any ne who have little knowledge of computers and internet but a good knowledge of the topic that they are going to tell to the readers. It does not require any coding as now a day’s many platforms like Wordpress and Bloggger are available that gives a user interface and have a set of prebuilt codes in it that it automatically creates as per the user requirement. In the upcoming posts I will tell about the platforms and best among them and how to work with that.

How to earn through Blog?

Most of the people are attracted toward blogging because it is the easiest way to earn a handsome amount of money to fulfill their needs as people take it as a side income source that supports them and give them extra money to facilitate their lives. So let us know that how money can be earned through blog.
The main income source for a new blog and a basic blog is advertising networks that places advertisements on the blog and pay the publisher according to their policies. These advertisers provide banners for the placement of ads on the blog according to the publisher as there are many options available in banner sizes that can be placed on the blog according to the space and positions on the blog. The main advertising companies are adsence, chittika, Infolinks ,etc…

Another source of income on a blog is placing links to external sites that are ready to pay them according to the web traffic on the blog. Affiliate marketing is also another way to earn through the blogs; direct advertisement’s is also another way to get paid through a blog direct advertisement is placing an ad of a company by direct contacting them and offering space on your blog for their advertisement. And many more ways are there that you would come to know after starting a blog. As opportunities comes to your home when you work hard for good thing.

You would love to know that one can make 40,000 INR and more per month by blogging!!! I would tell you about the people earning through their blog and living life king size in my upcoming posts.

So this was my first post in the path of my Techie Updates’s blogging tutorial career. Keep visiting for the next post In which I would describe in detail about what is a blog?

Please give feedback by dropping up comments in the comment box below and let me know that what you felt after reading the above content.

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